Polyamory is a relationship style (and style of living) involving the creation of “intimate networks” of friends, partners, and lovers. It is also referred to as “responsible non monogamy.” Since this is done without hiding one’s relationships from anyone else in one’s life, it requires a high level of integrity, honesty, and communication.
Polyamory is a relationship style that involves an openness to be being involved with more than one person at the same time. Polyamory is about responsible non monogamy. Polyamory is not about cheating, or dishonesty. Polyamory pre-supposes that all people involved consent to this arrangement, and are honest about what is going on.
Polyamory is NOT swinging
There is a major distinction to be made between what is called “Swinging” and Polyamory. In swinging, the intent is to engage in non monogamous sexual behavior without the development of love, affection or personal intimacy between oneself and the secondary partners. Swingers generally seek to engage in recreational sex without emotional intimacy. With polyamory, there is no such restriction, and the intent IS to allow such emotional intimacy to exist, develop, and grow between the people involved.